The Garden's Tale

by Volbeat

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:53 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Rock the Rebel/Metal the Devil

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1st → Guitar
2nd → Vocals
3rd → Guitar
4th → Drums
5th → Bass

File Size

82 KB




Time keeps paint-ing my darl-ing Ripped all the flow-ers in the gard-en Oh ba-by come home You ang-els bring her home I-mens st�r sol-en ov-er h�j-en Han min-des den som-mer hvor hun str�l-de Fors-vandt i hav-en gr�n og tr�e-rnes sang hun fandt Time keeps paint-ing my dar-ling And the gar-den keeps on sing-ing the old song Oh ba-by still I am wait-ing in the light Hop-ing the ang-els would car-ry you home Den sang tog m�rk-et i sin po-te Den bar hans kvin-de i dens kol-de favn Og lagde hende for hans d�r i silk-e-kjol-e Hop-ing the ang-els would car-ry her home Leav-ing it all with my on-ly fri-end Her beau-ty was life-less on the sta-ir Oh ba-by I�ll car-ry you a-way in-to the gar-den�s tale But ev-ery-thing died and turned to sto-ones I laid her down und-er the old o-oak See-ing it a-a-a-a-all blos-som for-ev-er more Oh-oh-oh-oh -oh Oh oh oh o-oh Time keeps on paint-ing my dar-ling And the gar-den keeps on sing-ing the old song Oh ba-by now I know you�re in the light Paint-ing it all with your col-or-ful songs I-mens st�r sol-en ov-er h�j-en Hans skyg-ge kast-es ud i hav-en gr�n For-svandt for ev-igt og ud-en en no-te Ho-ping the ang-els will car-ry her home Leav-ing it all with my on-ly fri-end Her beau-ty was life-less on the sta-ir Oh ba-by I�ll car-ry you a-way in-to the gar-den�s tale But ev-ery-thing died and turned to sto-ones I laid her down und-er the old o-oak See-ing it a-a-a-a-all blos-som for-ev-er more Oh oh oh o-oh Time keeps paint-ing my darl-ing Ripp'd all the flow-ers in the gar-den Oh ba-by you're home You ang-els where are you


Tabbed by Sheep